Sunday, November 2, 2008

Big Date With Ava

Ah, m' lady, we meet again. You look divine. Can you dig my new hat? Pretty cool, right?! So forward these Jersey girls. Me thinks me likey! I've got to wear this hat more often.

Oh Tighe, you're so funny. I never thought about Barney or diapers in that way before.

Just comes naturally, honey, can't help it. Darn, do I have a hang nail? Love the pink ensemble by the way, really compliments your natural highlights.

It's for you.

I don't want you talking to her any more. You're such a player!!

Point made, Ava, point made. Um, just curious about when you had those menacing lasers installed in your eyes? Very effective for getting what you want while dating, I'll give you that.

I'm sorry if I flew off the handle. Let's make up.

Great idea! When are you visiting again? I could get used to this!!!


Jonathan and Kelly said...

Finally!!! I have been awaiting these pics since my husband neglected to take any this weekend. People keep asking for our pics from the weekend and we have NONE!! I love the commentary (as usual)
Can you send them to me??

Jonathan and Kelly said...

Don't get me wrong, I love the story of the two of them... but seriously, I need some new pics of Tighe! I heard he has all new tricks and is thinning out these days! Hope you guys had a great holiday with him... and we hope to get up to visit soon!

talk to you soon!