Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'd Like You To Meet Willow

This is Willow, Auntie Ellen and Uncle Shawn's new puppy. She visited me a couple weeks ago and we had a blast. Auntie calls her a goldendoodle, which is funny because I swear that's the name of a snack Mom feeds me. I'd better play it safe and try to eat her just like everything else. Here goes...

And thus it begins. The hunter becomes the hunted. Run Willow...RUN!

Taking a break from exploring duties to flaunt her itty-bitty-puppy-booty.

First day of "Master of Stick Manipulation" class with Professor Possum.

Lesson #1: Taunt your opponent by keeping the stick just out of their reach. It's important to remember that everyone you encounter is your opponent...and that all sticks are your stick.

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