Monday, June 16, 2008

I'm Baaaaaaaack

A big HELLO to all my adoring fans! As you well know, my name is Tighe and this blog is, for the most part, all about me. It has been quite a while since the last update, and several big events have transpired during the break. I would like to extend my sincere apologies for the delay in correspondence. Furthermore, I would like to completely deflect any blame for the delay. You see, I'm a baby. I literally just learned to open my hands about a week ago, so using a computer at this point isn't really high on my priority list. So, anyone looking to vent any frustration should direct that towards my mother, Jennifer Lynch. I hope that you enjoy the forthcoming overdue entries.

Thank you for your patience and your continued support ~ Tighe


Jonathan and Kelly said...

We are soooo happy to have you back Tighe! We love seeing updated pics!

kelly, Jon and ava

Ellen said...

Your travels have kept you quite busy. Glad to see you didn't miss any meals during your hectic schedule. Love you much! Auntie Ellen

Grandma Rie said...

So glad that you are a traveling baby! You have your mother's sense of adventure. I wonder where she got that from....hmmmm? Hurry back to Tampa--all the little southern ladies are waiting for your return my beautiful boy!
Sea World?
Grandma Rie