Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What once was lost...

...has now been found. Tighe The Toddler Tornado (T4 for short) has finally landed after all these hectic months and a beyond-excusable span of absence from the Blogosphere. He's in Colorado of all places and he says:

"Hello everyone! Please accept my sincere apologies for the lack of contact, but things have been a bit crazy, and Mom and Dad have really pulled more than a few fast ones on me since my last entry back in July. Disregarding boring specifics, I want you to know that we're all doing well, we've landed in Lakewood, CO and I'll be returning to regular blog entries (hopefully weekly) starting in the next few days. There is much to catch up on, so get ready! Plenty of funny photos to follow and some new technology to spice up the blog. I hope you're all well and want to wish you a belated Happy 2010! I have missed you all and can't wait to get back to bloggin' business!" - Tighe


Aunt Kelly said...

believe it when we see it!! Happy New year! Hope all is well and you guys are getting settled in your new home! We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our new little guy any day now! let us know of your plans to come back east and maybe we can head north the same time! miss you already!
xoxo ava, kelly and jon

lyn said...

Welcome back T-4!!!Love from Ms Lyn