Monday, August 18, 2008

The Wedding

Phase I: Bridal Primping & Prepping

Phase II: Family

Phase III: Tighe as "The Party Animal"

They woke me up, so I'm about to get down!

Playing nice for the cameras with Mom and's early, beware.

Ah, the first victim...err, ah...passenger on Tighe's Crazy Wedding Baby Express...and it's the bride nonetheless, excellent! "Ticket please, ma'am."

How about a little lip-rip with a behind the back up-doo down-yank to get the ball rolling?

Yeah, but I'm young and can totally get away with it, Auntie, hahaha. Well, that started things off with a bang. What's next?

Flying headbutts, naturally...the obvious progression at this type of event.

Now for some casual mingling with Great Uncle give off the illusion of calmness.

Whoa, stop the presses!!! Who is this young lady working MY event? This must be Ava, I recall meeting her at the bridal shower months ago, but she wasn't dressed to the nines that day. And we're color coded to boot. Gotta keep an eye out for her tonight. Hubba Hubba!

Bust out my dancin' socks, it's time to get down with Grandma and Auntie Ellen.

Ladies to my left, ladies to my right...all these wonderful ladies! I gotta get out more.

I danced so hard with Grandma that I lost a sock. My general rule of thumb on dancing is that if you haven't lost at least one article of clothing you haven't truly gotten down to business yet.

I finished off the night dancing with my most favorite lady in the whole wide beautiful Mommy. Thanks Auntie Ellen and Uncle Shawn for the best night ever! I LOVE YOU!!!

1 comment:

Dale said...

so glad to see the update and as usual, the commentary was priceless!