Monday, May 12, 2008

Two Month Update

"Psst...psst! Listen up Chief. You know I only agreed to this per my publicist's insistence after that whole debacle from a few weeks back. So play it cool and everybody walks away unscathed today, no drama, got it? That's right, just keeeeeep smiling."

"That's nice, everyone just having a good time, no problems here."

"Another keeper boys, steady as she goes."

"It's almost over...just a couple of guys hanging out...nothing to see here, right fellas?"

"Whoa whoa whoa. Ah, yeah...I'm gonna be honest with you, you're way beyond pushing your luck at this point. I never agreed to anything like this."

"Seriously, you're the only one that gets me. What this clown doesn't realize is that I'm growing every day. He better watch his step cuz I'm drinking my milk, saying my prayers and taking my vitamins."

"Looks like 'Where's Waldo'? Are you kidding me new guy, Lamby? It's more like where's my dignity...who's running this show, Spielberg? Cuz I'm feeling like E.T. in that closet. This is absurd!!!"

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