Thursday, April 24, 2008

Aunt Sheila's Birthday

The Precious Portion

As 'Exhibit A' cleary demonstrates, there is no lack of love for this little guy.

Not sure who is more content here. Actually, it's pretty obvious, but why state it?

Unaware that the baby was indeed not a birthday gift, Sheila just couldn't put Tighe down. And with a smitten Uncle Buzzy not having the heart to tell her otherwise the situation was destined to get dicey later on. The assumed brief distraction of a forthcoming cake was our only hope.

Thus, the end of the precious portion.

The Comedy Portion

"No sh_t Sherlock, you're my Aunt Ellen, I've met you like 20 times already, enough with the formalities. I'm beginning to think that you're a little touched in the head, but that's neither here nor there. Now go join the others because I'm about to get on a roll, honey."

"Here's another one. A monk, the Ghost of Babe Ruth and a three-legged giraffe drive into a bar in Montreal in one of those Shriner mini-cars...

...AHAHAHAHAHAH...AAAAAAHHHHH HAHAHAHAHA...'oui messieurs, honk honk'...get it, get it?! Oh that's rich I tell you, absolutely rich!"

"Oh, isn't he just hilarious, Ellen? Brilliant, just brilliant!"

"Hey, down here. I'm sorry for showing you up earlier, I was all hopped up on milk, you know how I can get. No hard feelings? You don't think I was too outrageous with that barb about Fat Elvis and the bucket of electric eels, do you? I mean, one thing led to another, everyone was roaring...I just let it fly, ya know?"

"Ah, one other thing., like...seems Sheila didn't get the memo about the color blue being my 'thing'. It being her birthday and all I figured I'd hold off, but perhaps you could address the issue? You wouldn't believe the trouble I'm having with this guy at home. I don't want to go into it, but believe me when I say that Sasquatch-footed fuzzball better watch his step, that's all I'm saying"

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